
Cycling has not yet fully infiltrated into Australian culture.

A classical Australian way of cycling. It requires a huge multi-lane highway, bulldozed 'clean' to do a few rounds of fitness cycling.

Australia is set up for automobile dependency. Cycling is done mostly in groups of plastic clad sweaty people hunched on sporty bikes. Fitness seems to be the main motivation. It is sport - like
Manly SUV on cycle path
most things in Australia. The plastic accessories are necessary to not lose face, as one has to display that it is only a 'recreational' thing. Imagine one could think you are of 'lower status', not part of the motorist community that hoards a garage full of fossil fuel machines. The bike is basically a recreational gadget or a children's toy. Youth prefer to hop around on mountain bikes on delicate forest soil.

Once back in the SUV the motorist mindset despises non-motorised forms of mobility. The expectation is for a carpet to carpet delivery via unobstructed roads - but fast.

Status and an absence of a cycling infrastructure combine to make cycling deadly risky for people who wish to integrate a fossil-fuel-free form of mobility on an everyday basis.

Leaders and motorists are in deep denial about the climate disruption delivering an uninhabitable planet. Some see the need to wean off fossil fuel addiction.

The Dutch Cycling Embassy is sharing their know how with Australia. "We read about bike-related accidents, complaints about the lack of cycle lanes, and road-rage aimed at cyclists. It is difficult to change such prevalent ideas about infrastructure...Cycling has not yet fully infiltrated into Australian culture. "

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